Phone: 888-520-7070 ext 1
Phone: 888-520-7070 ext 2
1635 Market St
Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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OnSite Software’s Life Safety Inspector (LSI) includes features aimed at the challenges of fire alarm Inspections.
LSI Panel Read reads ALL the data from the panel, not just the easy data. With LSI Panel Read you are ready to inspect. The app has the ability to read data from 8 panels, covering 95% of the smart panels in use. Avoid hours of work on the information after a panel read.
Avoid discovering you missed a device on the other side of the building. Areas are automatically generated from the panel read and devices may be organized by route so that the next device you encounter during a walk is also the next on the list. Saves time by creating the most efficient route and eliminating the need to double back to missed devices.
Use barcodes when your customer is willing to pay extra, without any extra scanning fee to you. OnSite Software can also design your company-branded barcodes for you and be your supply source. This also eliminates the need for ladders at every inspection – place your Bluetooth barcode scanner on your smoke detecter “stick”, and remotely activate the most amazing scanner on the market.
“That Fire Alarm Panel has been in trouble since you last inspected it.” – Ability to take a photo of functioning panels at the end of every inspection and avoid the building owner’s claim that YOU damaged his panel. If there are deficiencies, photos sell the repairs!
Need a report similar to the sample report in NFPA 72? We have it. LSI gets rid of messy paper NFPA 72 fire alarm inspection forms, replacing them with easy to fill, easy to track, easy to create reports right from your cell phone. Our proprietary fire alarm inspection app also gives an inventory report of alarm devices by time in service and area.
LSI will quickly upgrade you from any existing alarm inspection software through a one click import. Import from Microsoft Excel files and Microsoft Word documents too. No need to waste time manually entering a digital NFPA 72 fire alarm inspection form you already have.