Phone: 888-520-7070 ext 1
Phone: 888-520-7070 ext 2
1635 Market St
Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
The Life Safety Inspector App (LSI) provides the best inspection question templates and reports for Safety and EHS Inspections. Our safety inspection software covers:
LSI inspection templates and reports go far beyond a simple list of equipment with a pass/fail option. Detailed checklists for each equipment type are derived from the applicable safety codes and standards. These checklists are a reminder to the inspector of exactly what they should be looking for to conform to those codes and standards. Very simply, the questions for inspecting a ladder are different from the questions for inspecting a fall harness. Analyzing the failed questions for a class of equipment pinpoints problems.
The LSI app is used for inspections in a range of industries including petrochemical, chemical, manufacturing, paper, health care, stadiums, auto manufacturing, airports and large universities. No matter what your site inspection or compliance need, Onsite Software has 19 years of experience plus industry-leading reports and checklists to help you keep your business and employees safe. We’re always here to help you build out your safety processes.
The challenge of safety compliance requires keeping track of inspections and timeline requirements for a large amount of critical equipment. The Life Safety Dashboard shows the inspection status of all EHS equipment in near real-time. You immediately see late or missed inspection items. The Life Safety Dashboard also manages deficiencies to assure a timely repair and analyzes trends in your data to find problems and justify your activities to site management.
Additionally our platform is the most flexible out there. LSI can run as an app on your cellphone or tablet or software on your laptop. Leverage the devices you already have with the flexibility to choose the right tool for each job.